Senin, 16 April 2012

artikel edukasi

Kebocoran soal ujian nasional mudah dilacak karena pada setiap soal dibubuhi kode rahasia, termasuk perusahaan percetakannya. Oleh karena itu, semua pihak jangan coba-coba melakukan kecurangan dengan membocorkan soal.

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Mohammad Nuh seusai meninjau persiapan ujian nasional (UN) dan kesiapan naskah soal di SMA Negeri 1 dan 6 Tangerang Selatan, Minggu (15/4). UN SMA/SMK/MA akan berlangsung 16 April-19 April ini. Saat peninjauan, Nuh didampingi Wali Kota Tangerang Selatan Airin Rachmi Diany.

”Sangat mudah mencari yang bertanggung jawab. Tinggal diberi tahu nomor seri soal. Kalau terjadi kecurangan massal, UN bisa dihentikan,” kata Nuh.

Mengenai tugas pengawas, Koordinator Tim Pengawas dari Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Yayan Sofyan menjelaskan, pengawas tak bisa langsung menegur siswa jika melihat ada kecurangan. Pengawas hanya bisa mencatat pelaku dan bentuk kecurangan. ”Nanti catatan pengawas menjadi rekomendasi penundaan proses scanning soal,” ujarnya.

Pelaksanaan siap

Di sejumlah daerah, distribusi soal berjalan lancar dan UN siap diselenggarakan. Di Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, 238 anggota Kepolisian Resor Tasikmalaya akan mengawal distribusi soal ke 153 titik penyelenggaraan UN pada Senin dini hari. ”Minimal satu polisi mengawal di satu titik penyelenggaraan UN,” kata Kepala Bagian Operasional Kepolisian Resor Tasikmalaya Komisaris Endon Nurcahyo.

Di Merauke, Papua, soal-soal UN sudah didistribusikan ke 28 sekolah penyelenggara UN. ”Kami jamin tak akan terjadi kebocoran karena tim pengawas sekolah juga diawasi,” kata Ketua Panitia UN 2011/2012 Kabupaten Merauke Daniel Johanes Taraneno. Untuk pengawasan, dosen dan mahasiswa Universitas Musamus Merauke dilibatkan.

Di Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan, 130 siswa SMK 3 Banjarbaru dikarantina di sekolah selama UN. ”Karantina ini agar siswa tak terkendala transportasi saat UN. Kegiatan ini pun atas persetujuan siswa dan orang tua siswa,” kata Kepala SMK 3 Rosihan Anwar.

comment : in last year's leaked examination answers to the key that is spread via SMS about 2 hours before the examination carried out. UN response to the key note of small things so difficult to be known by the supervisor. Moreover, there are supervisors provide opportunities for students to cheat. Thus, during the UN is not supported by the teachers / teacher quality, the possibility of leakage of examination answer key is huge. increasingly difficult to be out of school today. Here and there should Bimbel notebenenya who should pay. This is called the capitalization of education. Our education is more oriented to the interests of the center, everything should be standardized when Indonesia's plural and the need for a particular science is not equal to citizens in Indonesia is

artikel sains

Peristiwa gempa di Aceh kembali menguak satu kelemahan dalam teknologi peringatan dini gempa dan tsunami. Sirene peringatan dini baru berbunyi 30 menit setelah gempa, padahal seharusnya 9 menit setelahnya.

Untunglah gempa yang terjadi Rabu lalu tak menimbulkan tsunami besar. Jika saja tsunami besar terjadi, boleh jadi masyarakat tak punya cukup waktu untuk menyelamatklan diri.

Menurut PM Laksono, antropolog dari Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, peristiwa gempa Aceh Rabu lalu menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat harus terus mengembangkan wawasan tentang kegempaan. "Teknologinya lelet, masih belum bisa dipercaya. masyarakat harus belajar dan mengandalkan pada dirinya, nalurinya, bukan teknologi," ungkap Laksono saat dihubungi, Jumat (13/4/2012) kemarin.

Ia mengatakan teknologi hanya menjadi salah satu bagian dari seluruh sistem. Mau teknologinya maju kalau masyarakatnya tidak bisa memanfaatkan dengan benar juga akan percuma saja.

Pengembangan wawasan dan upaya mengasah naluri pada masyarakat harus dilakukan sedini mungkin. Anak-anak harus dikenalkan pada cara evakuasi saat gempa dan tsunami terjadi. "Ini tugas masyarakat sekarang. Masyarakat di sini berarti pemerintah, pendidikan, semua pihak. Orang tua juga harus mengajarkan pada anak-anaknya," kata Laksono.

Masyarakat tidak bisa hanya bergantung pada program sosialisasi siaga bencana yang dirancang pemerintah.
comment :
I also agree that the earthquake problem is not just rely on technology. But way too early to know the earthquake should be a concern since the early attention of the government for school children are taught the right of the earthquake, plus the potential for tsunami, as well as the readiness of people to escape
technology is very not be in the count, I was the earthquake in Aceh so directly to the highest place yaiutu. d on my third mountain heram why it did not alarm me know berbunyi.akhirnya after bbrapa his alarm clock was broken but is often used for training and care at the time of the incident but did not even show the technology works in the count could not be the point if there is an earthquake quite strong which is immediately evacuated to higher areas

artikel sains

artikel ekonomi 1

Pengamat energi, Kurtubi menilai rencana pemerintah untuk membatasi konsumsi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi berdasarkan kapasitas mesin mobil, tidak akan efektif. Ia mengatakan, pembatasan sulit untuk diterapkan. "Pertama, kebijakan ini mendorong rakyat untuk pindah secara massal dari premium ke pertamax. Keduanya adalah minyak. Ke depan ini tidak bagus karena tetap menggiring masyarakat ke energi yang diimpor," ungkap Kurtubi kepada, Senin (16/4/2012).
Ia pun menilai kebijakan yang rencananya akan membatasi konsumsi BBM bersubsidi bagi kendaraan berdasarkan kapasitas mesin, sama saja dengan menaikkan harga BBM secara terselubung. Pasalnya, jika kendaraan dengan kapasitas tertentu tersebut harus mengonsumsi BBM non-subsidi seperti pertamax, maka masyarakat harus membayar BBM dengan harga yang tentu lebih mahal ketimbang premium yang sekarang Rp 4.500 per liter. "Pertamax sekarang sudah di harga Rp 10.000-an," tambah Kurtubi.
Lalu, menurut Kurtubi, pembatasan konsumsi BBM bersubsidi sulit dilakukan di lapangan. Petugas Stasiun Pengisian Bahan bakar Umum (SPBU) bisa bersitegang dengan konsumen yang bisa jadi memaksa untuk membeli BBM bersubsidi.
Kurtubi pun berpendapat, pembatasan pada dasarnya adalah hal yang salah. Rencana ini melanggar keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang melarang penggunaan harga pasar untuk BBM di Indonesia. Sedangkan, pertamax adalah BBM yang harganya fluktuatif sesuai dengan harga pasar. "Ini bisa diinteprestasikan terang-terangan melanggar MK," tegas dia.
Oleh karena itu, ia menyarankan, pemerintah lebih baik fokus kepada pengembangan bahan bakar gas (BBG) atau menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi. BBG, terang Kurtubi, adalah energi yang lebih murah dan ramah lingkungan. Atau, pemerintah bisa menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan dalam APBN-P 2012.
Pemerintah diperbolehkan menyesuaikan harga BBM bersubsidi jika ada selisih antara realisasi harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP) dengan asumsi sebesar 15 persen dalam enam bulan. "Lebih baik menaikkan harga premium. Saya yakin 15 persen akan tercapai tahun ini, tinggal bersabar saja," pungkas Kurtubi.

comment : 
Government's "upper class" may have often seen the "down", how they have to maintain daily life. If the increase in fuel just knock up fuel may still be tolerated, but its implications are broad with the increase in a variety of needs, the main staple food it is difficult to
acceptable. Especially with rising fuel government can not guarantee the availability of fuel at the pump "full day", at a price of 4500 dollars at the pump now people have to buy 6000 dollars in retail
the wealthy connoisseur wants scapegoats subsidies the UN says we enjoy subsidies Rp1, 1 million / month


Senin, 09 April 2012

soal 15 toefl

TOEFL exercise (skill 1-3) : choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
1. Nobody know(a) when the process(b) of glass-making was(c) invented(d).
Answer : A.know
I think this sentence is wrong, because nobody (singular), would know it to be "knows"

2. The languages of the world presents(a) a vast array(b) of structural similarities(c) and differences(d).
Answer : A.presents
because of the Languages ​​(plural) so that the use of "present" instead of "presents" (singular)

3. The rise of multinationals have(a) resulted(b) in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals can(c) operate(d) in so many jurisdictions.
Answer : A.have
Because the subject singular (the rise of multinationals), so has not have (plural).

4. All of the east-west interstate highways in the united states has(a) even numbers(b), while north south interstate highways are(c) odd-numbered(d).
Answer : A.has
I think there is a wrong word it’s Has (A) because highways is Plural so we use have not has for singular.

5. When(a) a massive star in the large magellanic cloud exploded(b) in 1987, a wave of neutrinos were(c) detected(d) on earth.
Answer : C.were
a a wave is singular so was not were

6. Every open space in the targeted(a) area that has(b) grass and a few bushes are(c) occipied(d) by the white-crowned sparrow.
Answer : c.are
Every open is singular so is not are

7. Krakatoa is remembered(a) as the volcano that put(b) so much ash into the air that sunsets the world was affected(c) for two years afterward(d).
Answer : c.was affected
Because sunsets (noun plural) so were affected not was affected.

8. The term “Yankee” was(a) originally a nickname for people from new england, but now anyone from united states are(b) referred(c) to as(d) a Yankee.
Answer : B. Are
Because anyone is singular,so is not are.

9. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched(a) between the skin and the underlying(b) muscles, supply(c) blood(d) to the face and scalp.
Answer : C. Supply
Because a network is singular so supply become supplies.

10. Mesquite is(a) a small(b) tree in the southwest who(c) can withstand(d) the severest drought.
Answer : C.who
The subject not people is noun so which not who.
11. he ran back as fast as he..(a)would(b)if(c)so(d)could.
Answer : D.could
Because use of tenses since the sentence involves a past action(e.g. run ) a past tense should be used. It would also be correct with “pssible”if it were “he ran as fast as possible”
12. she works ..the newspaper the daily mirror (a)for(b)from(c)is(d)to
Answer : A. For
Because to be employeed by someone such as company he works for citi bank.
13. he will..a speech after the banquet(a)make(b)made(c)the(d)in
Answer : a . make
Pattern : to make a speech
To make a speech = to speek formally to a group of listeners the mayor made a speech when the queen visited the town.
14. let’s ... up the hill(a)on(b)go(c)climb(d)the
Answer : c. Climb
Pattern : let + infinitive with out to the verb
              Let+ object have the infinitivewith out to let’s go fishing.let’sdrink beer.
15. he retired last year. He ... to be a customs officer(a)used(b)as(c)is(d)use
Answer : a .used
Pattern : used to we use “used to “ when we want to talk about something that often happened in the past but doesn”t happen now. He used to paint portraits.

Soal-soal toefl ini saya kutip dari alfalink bahasa inggris.