Untunglah gempa yang terjadi Rabu lalu tak menimbulkan tsunami besar. Jika saja tsunami besar terjadi, boleh jadi masyarakat tak punya cukup waktu untuk menyelamatklan diri.
Menurut PM Laksono, antropolog dari Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, peristiwa gempa Aceh Rabu lalu menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat harus terus mengembangkan wawasan tentang kegempaan. "Teknologinya lelet, masih belum bisa dipercaya. masyarakat harus belajar dan mengandalkan pada dirinya, nalurinya, bukan teknologi," ungkap Laksono saat dihubungi Kompas.com, Jumat (13/4/2012) kemarin.
Ia mengatakan teknologi hanya menjadi salah satu bagian dari seluruh sistem. Mau teknologinya maju kalau masyarakatnya tidak bisa memanfaatkan dengan benar juga akan percuma saja.
Pengembangan wawasan dan upaya mengasah naluri pada masyarakat harus dilakukan sedini mungkin. Anak-anak harus dikenalkan pada cara evakuasi saat gempa dan tsunami terjadi. "Ini tugas masyarakat sekarang. Masyarakat di sini berarti pemerintah, pendidikan, semua pihak. Orang tua juga harus mengajarkan pada anak-anaknya," kata Laksono.
Masyarakat tidak bisa hanya bergantung pada program sosialisasi siaga bencana yang dirancang pemerintah.

I also agree that the earthquake problem is not just rely on technology. But
way too early to know the earthquake should be a concern since the early attention
of the government for school children are taught the right of the earthquake, plus
the potential for tsunami, as well as the readiness of people to escape
technology is very not be in the count, I was the earthquake in Aceh so directly to the highest place yaiutu. d on my third mountain heram why it did not alarm me know berbunyi.akhirnya after bbrapa his alarm clock was broken but is often used for training and care at the time of the incident but did not even show the technology works in the count could not be the point if there is an earthquake quite strong which is immediately evacuated to higher areas
technology is very not be in the count, I was the earthquake in Aceh so directly to the highest place yaiutu. d on my third mountain heram why it did not alarm me know berbunyi.akhirnya after bbrapa his alarm clock was broken but is often used for training and care at the time of the incident but did not even show the technology works in the count could not be the point if there is an earthquake quite strong which is immediately evacuated to higher areas
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